NEW! Basic Sign Language DVD - Free S&H
This DVD product is an excellent primer to start learning basic American Sign Language and is designed for all students, teachers, families, companies, hospitals, schools, libraries and programs.
This 25-minute DVD are broken down into accessible chapters covering alphabet, numbers, important everyday words, events, holidays, celebrations, idiomatic expressions along with full sentence examples in American Sign Language. Once you play the DVD, you will start learning / teaching right away with various Deaf and ASL Teachers.
This DVD is resourceful as self-study material, use in classroom, distance learning, teaching, tutoring and countless other ways to learn American Sign Language with three ASL professors. Note: To help you save cost, the DVD will be in eco-friendly paper DVD sleeve WITHOUT Amaray DVD case. Each disc will simply and clearly be labeled for your convenience. All pictures shown above are for illustration only and are not printed on any DVDs. Once DVD is shipped, free shipping / tracking information will be emailed to you.