Sign Language 101: A Beginner's Guide to American Sign Language DVD
Over 1½ million units sold since 2005. This DVD is ranked number 1 sign language DVD in the world.
This product is a perfect way to start learning American Sign Language - a MUST HAVE FOR ALL STUDENTS, TEACHERS, FAMILIES, LIBRARIES and PROGRAMS.
This 75-minute DVD (1 hour and 15 minutes) are broken down into easy to navigate chapters as follows:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: ASL Alphabet
Chapter 3: ASL Numbers
Chapter 4: ASL Colors
Chapter 5: Everyday Words
Chapter 6: Basic Sentences
Chapter 7: Grammar and Sentence Structures
4 Subchapters
- Subchapter 1: Personal & Possessive Pronouns
- Subchapter 2: Wh-Word Questions
- Subchapter 3: Yes/No Questions
- Subchapter 4: Rhetorical Questions
Chapter 8: Mother's Day Vocabulary
Chapter 9: Graduation Day Vocabulary
Chapter 10: Thanksgiving Day Vocabulary
Chapter 11: New Year's Day Vocabulary
Chapter 12: Bonus: Months of the Year
Chapter 13: More Everyday Words
Chapter 14: ASL Idioms & Phrases
Chapter 15: Deaf Culture 101
8 Subchapters
- Subchapter 1: What is American Sign Language?
- Subchapter 2: Do's & Don'ts with the Deaf Community
- Subchapter 3: Quick Facts About Fingerspelling
- Subchapter 4: Which Hand do I Use to Fingerspell?
- Subchapter 5: Which Sign is Correct?
- Subchapter 6: Why are There No Voices?
- Subchapter 7: Why Capital "D" for Deaf?
- Subchapter 8: Where Can I Find an ASL Class?
Chapter 16: Bonus! ASL Music Video: Goodbye, My Friend
Chapter 17: Learn More!
Chapter 18: About EverydayASL.com
This DVD is resourceful as self-study material, use in classroom, distance learning, teaching, tutoring and countless other ways to learn American Sign Language with three ASL professors. Note: The DVD will be in eco-friendly DVD sleeve WITHOUT Amaray DVD case to help save money. Each disc are clearly labeled for your convenience. The pictures shown above are for illustration only and are not printed on any DVDs. Once DVD is shipped, free shipping / tracking information will be emailed to you.