New! ASL Conversation Builder, Vol. 1: Childhood & School DVD + USB Set
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Everyday ASL University's American Sign Language and Interpreter training team have learned, from 25 years of ASL proficiency interviews/evaluations, that a significant number of ASL enthusiasts and interpreters have difficulties starting and maintaining complex ASL conversations. Deaf Community is known to value thorough conversations with quick, successful and advanced integration of ASL structures, grammatical features, idiomatic expressions and slang.
Every conversation example will be shown along with ASL GLOSSES to enable your convenient yet effective learning experience.
This volume will cover the following topics:
- Conversation about a child's rebellious stage in life
- Conversation about participating in organizations and extracurricular activities
- Conversation about behavior issues, recognizing the well-behaved and badly-behaved types
- Conversation about identifying and differentiating best and worst memories during childhood
- Conversation about reading experience - particular the enjoyable ones
- Conversation about who, if anyone, was at home when a youngster returned from school
- Conversation about when one got caught for doing something wrong as a child, including how blame is shifted towards someone else
- Conversation about one's preference as a child and how that changes when this child gets older
- Conversation about one's mischievous act, down to a certain detail
- Conversation about how one's childhood was carefree or full of worries
- Conversation about a child's go-to activities after arriving home from school
- Conversation about a child's class seating preferences, including various seating locations and reasons for these choices
- Conversation about studying and partying habits and choices
- Conversation about graduating from school with and without debts
- Conversation about experiencing a challenging school course
Our films are seen and shared at schools, colleges, social gathering, family outing, work environment, social media and countless other environments.
Benefits from this set are:
- Learn how to express and engage advanced conversations about CHILDHOOD and SCHOOL in ASL within different situations along with helpful ASL GLOSSES TRANSLATIONS
- Excellent for training courses and self-study plans
- First time ever: you will get both DVD and USB for ease of use
- Designed for interpreters, families, teachers, students and more
- Optimized for ASL interpreting performance tests, ASL evaluation tests, ASL Proficiency Interviews (ASLPI / SCPI) etc.
- Easy-to-follow Bilingual training with video aids
- Countless hard-to-find ASL signs seen and used in Deaf Community
Like with most of our training videos, this film will have no audio for training purposes and some with open captions for convenient learning experience. All DVDs and USBs will be in eco-friendly CD sleeves WITHOUT Amaray DVD cases to help customers save money. Each disc are clearly labeled for your convenience. Color and style of USB sticks may vary to ensure highest quality to you. The pictures shown above are for illustration only and are not printed on any DVDs. Ships free to continental U.S.
This is a brand new set and are in high demand. Please be patient as tracking information will be provided after product ships within 2-3 weeks. Thank you.