New! Idioms & Phrases in ASL, Vol. 1-5 (5-DVDs with USB Flash Drive Set)
A complete set of 5 separate DVD units consisting of Idioms & Phrases in American Sign Language, Volumes 1-5 is now on sale to aid ASL interpreters, ASL teachers, families, young people and professionals to comfortably afford and to learn 260 idioms and phrases highly used in Deaf and ASL Communities daily. All films will also be included in a single USB Flash Drive for your convenience.
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Over 1 million units sold!
Your experience learning idioms and phrases in American Sign Language (ASL) begins with us! Throughout this DVD, you will learn over 250 idioms and phrases in ASL about all facets of everyday life. You will also learn how to use these expressions in complete English and ASL sentences. Each and every DVD comes with bloopers, never seen before!
Since idioms and phrases are important part of daily conversations among Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing students, ASL teachers, parents and professionals, it is normal for one to encounter difficulties interpreting and/or translating these expressions into ASL and English.
Our unique teachings will involve a media-rich bilingual presentation that is excellent for both Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing and hearing ASL enthusiasts.
Idiom / Phrase Examples in this DVD:
- at a loss for words
- better than nothing
- holy cow
- what's your problem
- much better than someone
- that's not what I'm talking about
- it really stinks
- if i were you
- actions speak louder than words
- beat around the bush
- disappear into thin air
- good enough for
- hands off
- labeled as
- swallow one's pride
- venting out
- all for nothing
- boss someone around
- break up with someone
- butterflies in one's stomach
- don't judge a book by its cover
- hooked
- no hard feelings
- shopping spree
- fed up
- full of hot air
- it's for real
- none of your business
- pea-brained
- point a finger at
- the talk of the town
- to become fully involved with
- brainwashed
- communication breakdown
- I have been talking my head off
- let bygones be bygones
- not my cup of tea
- paint the town red
- take charge
- worry wart
...and much more!
Note: All DVDs will be in eco-friendly paper CD sleeves WITHOUT Amaray DVD cases to help customers save money. Each disc and USB flash drive will clearly be labeled for your convenience. The pictures shown above are for illustration only and are not printed on any DVDs. Tracking information will be emailed to you at time of shipment at no cost.